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Embrace your grow style

Theo Gardner
6 min read
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When it comes to growing great cannabis, there's a lot to learn. 

Every grower has a unique style of growing that they develop.

That comes with time, and it’s part of the journey!

It might be indoors or outdoors, organic or synthetic. It might be more on the side of winging it and hoping for the best or you might be super on it with every single detail, control freak style.

I want to start by saying there's no wrong approach. I’m not here to diss your style. If you're growing, then great! That’s the important thing. 

Growing should be fun, especially for the home grower, and it has so many benefits. It teaches us patience; we connect with nature, we know exactly what's gone into the plant, it saves us money… the list just goes on.

With that all in mind, what’s my style, and how does that translate into what you’ll learn in this newsletter?

I love growing vegetables, I do this outside and use a no-dig organic approach. There's no better way!

Now, my indoor style is a little different. I’m a busy person, so I’m looking for an easy, organised approach with repeatable results, high yield, aroma and quality. 

I’m looking to Grow The Best, and I don’t want to be putting out fires in the grow room every day.

I rely on proven scientific methods, and I’m happy to invest cash to buy good products that last and make my life easier.  

Over the last twenty years, I have tried many approaches, styles, products, and technologies, so you don’t have to experience the same failures that I did back in the day. 

A indoor cannabis garden

If I could distill everything down to one key takeaway, it would be this:

Your environment is the most important focus area!

If you dial in your environment and get all the other basics right (and yes, there are many), you will one day Grow The Best and have a lot of fun in the process!  

Put your environment first. 

Really put it first…

  • Measure your environment 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • Learn the terms and rules that are the building blocks for indoor growing.
  • Measure everything you can that affects plant growth eg temperature, humidity, VPD, LST, CO2, PPF, DLI (more on these later).
  • Learn to create an environment that is stable. 
  • An environment that you can easily control and adjust as you need, 
  • That is energy efficient, 
  • That is as future-proof as possible, 
  • …And that is repeatable so you can focus on growing plants. 

Then when you’ve got that skillset and you’re in control of your environment, you’ll be able to grow pretty much anything! And do a great job. 

Wanna grow a hydro pineapple? You go for it. 

So that's what you’re going to learn if you sing-up and stick around. 

You’ll learn the concepts, the tips and tricks and the little details that make all the difference in growing the best cannabis (but feel free apply that to growing pineapples if you want). 

Setting you up to grow great clean product, with a high aroma and effect. 

We will start off simple, and then when you’re up to speed with the basics together we’ll delve deeper into more advanced topics.

Regardless I will keep the tone of these posts light, accessible and easy to read.

And most importantly, I will keep it fun!

Let's start this journey!!

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Theo Gardner
6 min read

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